today went town with mumsy and a few of my aunt...
hahaha.. they bought 9pieces of shirt at Bossini @ 70bucks after discount...
with that amount of money.. i bought 1piece of shirt at Esprit
and.. best of all.. nobody complain about it.. coz the shirt was really nice.. hahaha
ytd tennis wasnt too bad.. seems more playable now.. hahahaha.. but basketball was like **** la.. i think too long never play already... i think score less than 10pts ytd thru out all the game la...zZz...
and after viewing those photo from my cuz vietnam trip.. im so so so so tempted to go la.. hopefully will be this Dec.. and i wanna go Korea with my Nieces ! YES!..
But.... money is the prob....ZZzz..
trying to break free..
trying to let go..
neither seems possible
as you're in my life