So wads for bio lesson.. ya..this is wad we do.. take video.. take photo..drink tea..eat sunflower seed like some hamster..lol..
So far have a clean record for my attendence for the really INTENSIVE 'o' level revision.. but when have too many friends around really cant concentrate manz..end up playing with all of them.. haha.. but its funny though..
thinking through about wad i said in the last paragraph in previous post..lots of thinking lately manz..haiz..life is really confusing..at time i dunno if those stuff i said are true or not..each time i saw her..gosh..i dunno..my head will be like Blank~..haiz.. life is so crappy
watch the channel u 10pm show..xiaoqian.. lol.. the main actor very suay manz.. i watch 2 show acted by him.. both show his love one perish..lol.. i guess the female actor are suay too..
2 more weeks to 'o' level
still playing rawdeal..
still playing Dota..
still go online..
still not studying..