i've got a new cell phone.. which i think it's be best looking one i have now... no choice to have to buy....coz.. N81 is ugly..K77oi my cousin bought ytd.. so i dun wanna get the same..so.. i left with w910i lor.. but well.. new phone better than no phone.. and now samsung one is really ugly...ZzZ...
ytd went whole day to vivo with jh..jh bro..and ys...and and.. me jh and ys plan to buy clothes one.. end up.......only jh bro bought 2 shirt... hahahaha.. end up become we accompany his brother come shopping one...
haiz... now i need shades... and most imptly CNY CLOTHES la...ZZz
today lesson was well... funny and rubbish la.. first it was the IAC lect.. ( like 4 or 5 lesson.. i still dunnno his name..)
erm.. he's fat...and.. the floor is smooth... and.. he rock the chair... and fell...it was funny.. but....
hahaha... no one laugh as there isnt much ppl in the class... hahahaha...
well.. those who saw it got a shock.. heng nth happen to him la.. hahahahah...
but he say is Rachel fault.. haha.. coz he keep asking us to tell rachel to hand in her work to him by today since she's not in school.. so i guess in his mind it was like..
*damn.. must be rachel cursing and swearing at me.. so i fell*
well.. i think she does that also la.. hahahah
and and.. while ppl are presenting during the comm tk...rachel is drawing.. while.. me and chris talk cock..
here are the master pieces!

yeah... it's on chris legssss
damn..it just so disheartening..when im clueless about about everything..
oc is screwed...
im screwed..
u're really like the painter of my life.. u paint my life each day...
good or bad.. it all depends on you.. it's such a heavy responsibility eh..
no matter how boring the day is.. other than basketball... calling you would make my day!
today was best.. coz got basketball also.. and so envy jh.. he's going m'sia during march to scuba dive!...
and.. info tech.. is monsterous..
i realise.. when i talk to other ppl.. other than my basketball mates or close fren.. i need let the word run thru my mind first.. coz i think im damn xialan..(like wad jh always says in sec sch).. i guess.. only who are close with me will understand wad i trying to mean..
where have life been to ?
i miss the nag
i miss the complain
i miss the nonsense
i miss the laughter
i miss irritating you
has everything change?
i really wonder..
or is it just me..
i need you in my life
haha... although survivor doesnt have a gd ending....but amazing race season 12 ending makes my day.. woot!!

LOL.. a song by backstreet boys.. hahaha.. was damn famous ( o well ... i think famous now also) during primary.. i guess they were the band of my times?..hahaha..happen heard it when i saw the The Ellen DeGeneres Show 700th episode...and fall in love with the song.. immediately...
wad a night.. i spend close to 2hours debating and fighting over the word "struggle"....kinda waste of time.. but well... a least im serious.. and it was fun...and pissing
should sleep soon.. later still got prac.. damn sickening

share the starcraft boardgame with my cuz.. woot.. expensive tho.. but well.. it's collector item

lots of tiny figuring

we have a hard time finding out how to play.. we started from 1945...till around 10 than we started playing..but..i lost.. which sucks.. i was totally wipe out...
and and and.. last night... damn singnet la... LAG LIKE HELL...transfer rate is like 2kb per sec... luckily this morning was fine.........
thats all i guess.....
oh ya.. today mumsy asked me pack dinner for them since i going imm.. than than.. i told them..asked dad to pack for your... nobody ans me.. so i assume i'll have to pack for them... end up............dad bought food.. i bought food too....wad a spread....
Am I trying to hard
To Keep this love alive
You don't seem to care
About this love that we had
I called you last night
But you were not there
I didn't here from you at all today
I can't play this game
I'm just wasting my time
You leave me with no other choice
But to say goodbye
I want to work things out
But what's the point of it if
I have to be in love alone
It's not worth it anymore
It's hard for me to say goodbye
The tears are falling down my eyes
I'm sorry,I'm Sorry, but we tried...
I thought we shared a life that was full of love
But now I realize we shared an empty hope
I will cry my last cry
Before I say bye bye
I will sing my last love song for you tonight
I can't play this game
I'm just wasting my time
You leave me with no other choice
But to say goodbye
I want to work things out
But what's the point of it if
I have to be in love alone
It's not worth it anymore
It's hard for me to say goodbye
We did out best to make things right
I'm sorry,I'm sorry, but we tried...
I thought we shared a life that was full of love
But now I realize we shared an empty hope
I will cry my last cry
Before I say bye bye
I will sing my last love song for you tonight
I can't play this game
I'm just wasting my time
You leave me with no other choice
But to say goodbye
I want to work things out
But what's the point of it if
I have to be in love alone
It's not worth it anymore
due to influence by some ppl.. i decide to post love song too..but well.. at least i find it meaning can already.. who cares eh..
when to shop.. but almost every shop is on sales.. which sucks.. means all the old goods.. hence... only bought a shirt from levi's.. than a rip curl keychain which is 12bucks.. (yes i know it's like wth right) i just like it.. and a slipper.. 20bucks.. hahah.. cheap stuff.. from rip curl also.. coz it catches my eyes immediately i went into the shop.. hahaha..so no matter how many other slipper i see.. i decided on that one...
went to Times.. saw this book than when i come home wanna tell my mum about it.. i forget the title...coz it's 50bucks.. and i dun wanna use my own money for books.. hahahaha..if got chance than ask her buy for me again.. hahaha
and jsp bought a tank top from num.. which i like also.. but but.. i think it's too ex for a tank top at 70bucks.. so it should get out of my mind soon...
off to sleep.. finally.. tml there might be basketball!
tagggggged remove.. it's just freaking irritating to me...i dunno why.. i guess im weird lately...
basketball is my only life...nth else..gonna meet up jsp to get slipper and shop for new year stuff later on.. hopefully smth gd is gonna happen tml...
today wasnt a bad day other than the maths test..
during cb lect we're having lots of fun bullying jonanthan ?? hahahahaha... for the first 40min laugh like siao.. talk cock...play pranks...than things start to quietten down....than... silent came...ZzZz...the standard routine for us during cb lesson...1.talk cock 2.listen abit when no more nonsense 3.when mak start talking his "nonsense" time to ZzZ...
my collection of "SET"

the purpose of the pic is not the joker sleeping.. but the penal full of holessssss
was talking cock and folding paper plane with chris.. than i cant remember was happen.. than i was laughing away like siao.. than *phang* cb.. LOL...i hit the metal thingy..my eyebrow there got a cut and started bleeding... what a day.. hahahaha.. but but.. it's fine.. coz it's funny.. hahahaha
than today pon maths.. just nice.. old lady kwoh got smth on.. lesson cancel...the best maths lesson ever i guess... hahahahaha
was looking for phobia of fish.. and i found a website..
and i found this
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
it's so amazing la.. hahahah.. i never knew got such stuff...
i guess i have use the words AHAHHAHA and LOL too often.. that i got used to it.. even when im pissed i might accidentally type them.. which is soooooo anti climax..
no matter how good the day is spend.. how nice the day is.. i always have this stupid empty
feeling in the night.. and i hate it.. and i really wonder why...

how i wish one day.. i can experience death but yet return back from death too tell my experience..how fun would that be.. to really know what death is it... but.. ended up.. death might serve no purpose.. but no worries.. im not gonna commit sucide or some funny shit.. it's not time yet.. HAHA
random nonsense
how cool if singapore can snow...ZzZ... and guess wad.. Baghdad snows for the first time in history today...omg.. but only for awhile.. damn it.. but it's more than enough la...at least it was a "day off" for WARS and Violent.. and when i told nathan wad happen...
Dancing thru e sand with a bomb strap 2 my back. I've a nasty plan 4 x'mas in Iraq. Oh Jingle Bombs, Jingle Bombs... says:
that's why.
and apparently, this snow pretty cool.
has allowed Iraq a day from fights and violence.
=weisheng= the Court..my Sanctuary says:
maybe sg not violent and messy enough to have snow.. hahaha
Dancing thru e sand with a bomb strap 2 my back. I've a nasty plan 4 x'mas in Iraq. Oh Jingle Bombs, Jingle Bombs... says:
want to start riot/
against PAP.
=weisheng= the Court..my Sanctuary says:
LOL.. u'll die before u see snow
Zz.. today lesson was nonsense!...
first is the IAC ppt in which we start doing last night.. than this morning suppose to send jordan my slides.. ended up.. i sent last night w/o the file attached to chris... bloody hell... end up today must go school earlier as there was no internet at my uncle place..Zzz..well.. and we did badly for the ppt.. hahaah.. D....
than the comm tool kit.. chris got his own topic.. jordan too.. me and rachel damn suay.. get the topic written by Jenny Gan... hong gan la.~ mine was like.. the impact of increase to the oil price to the WORLD... Wtf.. and actually score A for content.. just because i dunno how oil and gold price is related.. i screwed it.. become B instead.. bloody hell....
than.. wanted to go bball at my house CC there... but... it's raining like siao now...so.....
im blogging =D !
i really wish i can be myself in poly.. but i just find it so difficult.. i think the poly fren are seeing a unreal me? haha
all of a sudden the enthu-ness is revive..
jh cs ys jsp irman and me
basketball have move up a higher level from the usual 4v4 to 5v5
we really move thru so much during basketball
from enemy to frens..
hope it will last..
it's the game of my life
FUCK UP... maths sucks.. i just dont wanna comment about it anymore.. just wanna get over and done with.. fuck the stupid lecturer... the WORST i ever meet... damn it!