yea.. full of dust and not updated.. i was a lazy ass unfortunatly.. soon soon.. maybe later after bball. hope it doesnt rain.. hope ppl can come down and play.. hope idiot can conc on study and be more confident.. hope.. that im not hungry now...zZz...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
vote for next year all star
Thursday, November 15, 2007
think gonna be a long post
firstly..ytd went with kel and company to celebrate kel bday..but ichiban was full so went to Ajisen instead.. as usual.. the food there isnt fantastic.. hahahaha..but i think is the gathering that counts la.. hahaha.. so nice to have so many ppl around chat and chat.. so much fun.. although is just plain chatting.. about 15 of has been a loong long time since i went out with so many ppl.. a great moment..thanks peeps, and still happy bday to kel although he'll never read this.. hahahaa
Afterall basketball is really so important part of my life.. it just bring back so much memory..jh recalled ytd we trash ppl in the past.. but i dont rmb anything.. all i rmb was jh,sq and me.. and the "moon shoe" thing.. that was just unforgettable.. hahahaha.. and basketball really bonded us.. in such a way that there is still a common topic within us as in me sq cs and jh... any dispute..will slowly be solved in the court... major or minor.. all could be forgetten during the process of the game..Big game..Big Lost... 7-11 so competitive.. all this are just so precious memory..coz sq and jh almost got into a deep trouble due to 7-11.. hahahaah..a bunch of people whom i'll never forget....
today went to NUH to visit indian man (just like calling u this) with some idiot (just like calling u this too)..hahahah.. most interesting thing was that indian man was wearing a "dress" i would called it..but the physio therapist mention "gown".. and i read a book a home.. just nice in the hospital also.. and it's call a "gown".. hahaha.. but he look damn funny with it though.. hahah..and indian man had a sucessful op.. and hope he get well soon...hahahaa..although it was a bit rush while visiting him but i guess it's a time well spend.. coz the one lying on the bed and the one who went with me.. are just so important to me.. i think it sounded like gay.. but who cares..they are really important.. thru out my sec sch life and now..and come to think about's the first time i was with idiot's just so great? hahaha =)
wat a "friendly" post.. hahahaha..
It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion. that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure. ----- Coco's super make sense when u understand..hahaha..
Lastly.. NUH doesnt smells so Chlorine Anymore.. is Blk 50 of NP..smells like hospital.. and i like it.. hahahaha.. indian man told be not to get dumb..hahahaha
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
amazing race tml.. but think im gonna miss it la.. either go kel bday..or find indian man at nuh.. but..hahahaha.. i prefer the latter =)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
i think first time i post so early 8plus..well...was telling people last night that today whole day gonna do cell bio.. coz never listen at the lecture and totally dont know what on earth is going on..but.. ended up.. morning woke up bout 11plus.. watched NBA..Mav and Por...waste of time.. coz Mav lost.. than watch romantic princess.. and the subtitle and the speech was so i just let it run..and let my aunt watch..feeling soreness in my throat last night...heng never go and drink with indian man sia... if not sur worst one.. hahaha.. and now.. im feeling kinda feverish.. and .. I NEVER DO CELLBIO..damn.. but i did ochem instead...think gonna sleep early tonight..forget bout Lost coz i just found some link and watch it online...stupid Moonlight was downloading at the rate of snail today..i wonder why...lastly.. hahaha.. i suddenly miss her so much.. i think coz im sick.. hahaha
“If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.” quoted FROM..internet?..haha
i've been thinking too much about the amazing race manz.. hahaha.. just cant wait for it to start..but just so coincidentally.. i dream about amazing race last night.. and my partner was.. Fiona Xie.. hahahahah..i wonder how she come into it...and.. the location was at some river..i saw my uncle...saw some temple..hahaha.. how weird..but's a Sweet Dream.. hahahaha..amazing race plus fiona xie.. prefect.. hahahahahha

and damn.. this season of amazing race the remove "non-elimination rounds"
Friday, November 09, 2007

this was my commtool lectuer.. coz she looks like a chirstmas ornament today.. so i just drew something using msn to chirs.. hahahah.. just got nth better to do.. hahaha.. according to chirs it was " WTC..look like moron from santa;s cupboard lah"
aisyah was like.."his name is CHRIS"
i only told her.. i drew this to chris.. not my prob now.. hahahahah
i only told her.. i drew this to chris.. not my prob now.. hahahahah
Thursday, November 08, 2007
was counting the number of people with similar name i know...
i know..
3 Samantha..1 is my cousin..
3 Benjamin..2 from NP.. 1 from Laselle
2 Rachel..both is NP..
4 Darren..1 nephew..1 cousin bf..1neighbour..1np..all i not very close with.. hahaha
3 Edmund..1 BB..1 lsct..1 ex sqss
2 kelvin.. 1 tp.. 1 sqss vp.. haha
what ever it is.. im just so glad than i only know one CHRIS..haha..that's the main point..
i just got nth better to do now...
i read books for only 12 pages and there goes me.. into lala land.. wth.. i guess too long never read already...
that's all for now..
lastly.. heng only noe one aisyah too...phew...
*know only one chirs is gd.. coz i cannot take too much rubbish already..
Friday, November 02, 2007
arhh... damn.. i broke the computer chair la.. damn it...
lol.. went to yew tee today.. wanna go for hair cut at the place in which my fren whom i noe from china trip..but... when i went there.. there is like 5 hair salon la.. than cannot find them... name card with my cuz... than.. haiz.. hahaha.. wasted trip...
the commtool lesson was nonsense la.. 80% of the time we doing our own stuff.. than the lecturer during discussion dun even bother to come to my group side la.. how sad.. hahaha.. but it was fun.. spending time laughing round with chirs and rachel.. hahaha.. and... im heavier than chirs.. wth~