i need books....so long since i read a gd book.. anyone care to introduce some ?
time to watch season 2... HEROES..
today MSN got prob leh.. cant seems to open share folder.. open already will hang.. anyone knows why ? hence.. cant sent the idiot heroes season 2

my fav in heroes..hahaha..
she's just so damn pretty...
and indian man say if he got a girl like this he would go pray at temple everyday
....i would make temple my home.. hahahaha
time to watch...
hope sunday trip would be a sucessful one
i wanna run like before
nail 3 pointer like before
play like before
hit jump shot like before
do fade away like before....
wad happen too all the "before"......
HEROES season 2.. i got within 4 hours and 30min.. wad a long wait.. 2am.. and i'm too sleeping to watch it..~
damn.. i just so hate the feeling i got for u
sometime.. i really wish i rather not have it....

lol.. i really wonder why telephone and keyboard cannot make the number at the same area.. so dumb la.. which ever come first shld follow the past one...to avoid confusion wad..

this is some of the forms i receive during work..to be key in...
total no.of household number... 1000....ants familY ?... hahaha..
just careless i guess..

mass of words.. lousy english... plus lousy handwriting...tough time keying in...
work is so damn bored la.. sit for 8hours to just key in info into excels...
like i told nathan.. bangladesh cut grass i think more fun also.....
lucky there are always funny people who wrote funny detail....
occupation... i got stuff like Cook...BBQ pork...HOUSE HUSBAND...
2 more days.. end off work.. 1 more day.. HEROES II!!

even if she's calling in the middle of the night
i would never mind..
might be sleepy at first usually...
but after awhlie i'll be fine..
i just dont know why...
each time u said u gonna call
or asked me to call..
i would long for it to happen
just by listening to your voice
listen to all you've got to tell
i'll feel really really great...
even though usually i dont talk..
but just by listening to your voice..
sleep is never important..
i really hope someday is not just your voice...
but your presense too...
I yearn for the evening to past,
the only reason is to meet you fast.
Cuddled in my comfy bed,all my tiredness would fate.
Sleeping thru the night,
once again i saw the similar glismp of light,
you would appear upon my face,
but all would melt in the day.
Cause you're my dream girl afterall....
ramdom thoughts...
some people change their class during next sem...
for me... haiz..
same class
additional of 2 same lecturer one is eddie one is the maths one.. i dun mind eddie though...
plus plus.. one complete same moudule..
sux la... and i missed the stats
last night was the first time i ever told a "BEDTIME" story... it's not suppose to be one.. but it turn out to be one.. hahahaha.. the idiot who listen really fall asleep la.. so it turn out to be bedtime story.. shld i be glad that you fall asleep? because it's really a bed time story...or.. Thumberlina was really boring? hahahaha...
i tried to speak as fast as i could.. but u still fall asleep...Zz..
hahahaha.. but i have fun...
today work was nonsense la... stupid manager cannot see the font 10.. than never tell me everything must not be in CAPS..lucky i wasnt told to change everything.. there was like so many names la...
but i manage to change the font.. the page layout and everything..but still go home late...i was hungry manz....
survivor china coming... heroes 2 coming..cant wait manz...
im missing the pool... out of a sudden
soooooo much
our dearest got lost..
and was never found..
but when we first saw you..
never knowing you're the one..
elated and excited..
you pounce upon us..
you're once lost..
but now you're found..
cudling your fluffy fur..
shaking your tiny paws..
you and your endless yelping..
bringing livliness into my life..
your time spent with us..
are forever treasured
my moments with you..
is never forgotten
now you move on..
in pursuit of greater happiness
we've got to move on..
till we meet again...
random thoughts..agian
if u think i play basketball badly...
see the way i play tennis manz...
it's like asking a cat to do fetch la..
im like so stiff and rigid..
and use too much of my wrist.. hahaha like playing bball
but.. nvm.. enjoy myself with my cuz they all at town
and we wear until like shit in town.. sports attire...
hahaha.. the tennis was at civil service club..than we couldnt find the car park
so we ended up parking beside it...
the SINGAPORE KALSA ASSOCIATION.. hahhaha.. some indian place la...
which smells like indian curry...
than ate pasta at taka
great day...!

ate dinner at ambush

wild salmon with thai basil sauce
hahaha.. taste like tom yam
and it's nice la..
and there goes my craving for sushi in the afternoon
hahaha.. i got my salmon in pan fried form...'
so still satisfied la.. hahahah

yea.. blur pic.. but it's some red indian band at town..
and regretted not buying my triple chocolate at mark and spencer
failed maths... sux big time... GPA 2.58.. confirm is maths pull down one la.. coz Chirs got like 1 A 3 Bs than GPA 3.4....
than i was complaing and whining that i failed maths...
than nathan told me...
"it's not like u never fail maths la"
which makes so much sense..
im keeping my ZERO passes Record for Additional Maths Paper...since the maths in taking kinda like add maths too...
but went to play bball.. who cares bout maths afterall.. hahahahaha
great.. although only jsp jh and me.. we enjoy till the very end...
even the during the games we're not doing well... hahahahah
Gotta Go My Own Way High School Musical 2 lyrics
I gotta say what's on my mind.
Something about us doesn't seem right these days.
Life keeps getting in the way.
Whenever we try, somehow the plan is always rearranged.
It's hard to say, but I've gotta do what's the best for me.
You'll be okay...
I've got to move on and be who I am.
I just don't belong here; I hope you understand.
We might find our place in this world someday,
But at least for now,
I gotta go my own way.
Don't wanna leave it all behind,
but I get my hopes up and watch them all fall every time.
Another color turns to grey,
And it's just to hard to watch it all slowly fade away.
I'm leavin' today 'cause I've gotta do what's the best for me.
You'll be okay...
I've got to move on and be who I am.
I just don't belong here; I hope you understand.
We might find our place in this world someday,
But at least for now,
I gotta go my own way.
What about us?
What about everything we've been trought?
What about trust?
You know I never wanted to hurt you.
And what about me?
What am I supposed to do?
I gotta leave, but I'll miss you.
I'll miss you.
I've got to move on and be who I am.
Why do you have to go?
I just don't belong here; I hope you understand.
I'm trying to understand.
We might find our place in this world someday,
But at least for now,
I want you to stay.
I wanna go my own way.
I've got to move on and be who I am.
What about us?
I just don't belong here; I hope you understand.
I'm trying to understand.
We might find our place in this world someday,
But at least for now,
I gotta go my own way.
I gotta go my own way.
I gotta go my own way.
went for bball just now..ok.. at least i have fun..
today tear the paper instead of using the shreding machine...
just to pass the time.. the stupid machine to fast la..
this sat going tennis with cuz...
no bball.. but i still got tennis...
another tiny portion of my life
went IMM to eat lunch with Mr Tay...Jia Hao..Nathan...
gastric.. come home than mumsy nag and nag about some stupid stuff without getting her facts right.. damn it manz.. forever jump conclusion one...pissed off la...

just return from lustrous..
very crowded..
very very crowded...
insanely crowed..
dun even get to see how big the actual dance floor
but confrim better than power station.. hahah
waited for like 2hours plus just to enter..
kids cant drink alcohol.. so i drink sprite with them..
haiz..Velvet dragon.. the Queue also damn long like Dragon..
but so crowded..
dragon also kanna squashed until like lizard la...
took a cab home.. since first bus is at 630...
great.. later still need to meet up V.P for lunch..
time to ZzZ...

my work place.. look totally like junk yard

first time i see cert of death...
after thinking through...

1st sept.. went back to SQSS...
saw mdm wong first...same..the bio person.. haha.. but gonna retire this oct..hopefully she can get out of SQSS la.. confirm very torturing for her one
than saw Mr Liu.. same la.. everything see me tell me.."Haiz.. Best is still when we first did FRS"
saw wanna get out of SQSS soon... every year same old story...
than is Huang Lao Shi.. LOL.. erm.. she couldnt rmb our name.. how sad... hahaha 3 years and she cannot remember any of our name.. still say got ppl in my class got married~
than saw Tham.. he was busy... waited so long for Mrs Lee.. and she said less than 5 sentence.. excluding "give me a minute"
than WENDY !! haha.. her daughther is cute... best is when JH ask how come her shirt still can wear even after giving birth. and her face looks like kanna bashed up when we saw her photo album after she gave birth..
say Kelvin tay too... same.. try to get as much freebie from him.. leaving too...hahaha
SQSS gonna have some on-site rennovation.. than next year classroom might be in container at the field.. haha so cool la.. air con somemore...
all in all sqss life is really wonderful
gonna meet up with Kelvin Tay this Friday...hopefully i dun have to work...