oh well..once again back into my cousin place to blog..zZz..the desktop got no bluetooth..cant transfer image of my niece and nephew...yesterday went for my dearest cousin angela wedding..haha..she look normal..like everyother day..
well..didnt get to talk to her also..she was busy the whole day.. from morning till the end of the dinner..
morning went to her place..nephew was snatching my phone from me to play game..lucky never see my PSP..haha..went there see her husband come fetch her..which he and his buddies drank 5 cups of coffee with salt in order to get in the house..after which.. hokkien songs with pole dance to get into my cuz room..haha..than they left from my cuz house to her husband house after some ceremony...
1100..the buffet finally arrive..great food..and the coffee was left almost untouch..but it was the S********* coffee from the cafe..dunno how to spell the name la.. but got one in amara hotel..haha..wad a waste..the buffet was premium class one..the laksa was great..and the maxican wings..haha
after my cuz come back for tea ceremony i went home..sleep...than wake up to go for the dinner at turf club..haha.. never take any photo there..was carrying my niece 60% of the time durin the dinner.. haha..she just dun let go..than was drinking the red wine..took a pretty huge glup and stand up immediately..think the blood all gush up the brain.. feel rather giddy after which..but.. IM NOT DRUNK..
oh..on friday..8/6/07..2 joker..one is choon siang..call me 9am in the morning wanna pon lecture..and well the called the wrong wei sheng...the other one was teresa at almost 2am..9/6/07..gave me a miss call.. i called back..then she wad like... "i got call u meh ?"
nvm..time to throw in pics

-----------my aunt and uncle -----------------------------the newly wedds my --------------------cuz nephews and nieces----------

----------------the whole family------------------------------ eldest bro---------------------------------------- sencond bro-------------

--------------third bro--------------------tea ceremony----------------------me and my cuz---------haha..hope they'll have a lasting and blissful marriage..